
Medical relief in Lebanon


Medical relief in Lebanon.

On August 4, 2020, an enormous explosion rocked the Port of Beirut, resulting in over 200 deaths and 6,500 injuries, while leaving over 300,000 homeless. The blast accelerated an already-existing humanitarian crisis caused by economic difficulties and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

With major hospitals and 23 primary health centers incapacitated by the explosion, over 160,000 Beirut residents were left without healthcare. In particular, many vulnerable members of the population, including the elderly, were left isolated without access to support and welfare services.

Essential medical support.

We worked with MedGlobal to procure and distribute supplies, equipment and medications for five health facilities in Beirut. We also worked with MedGlobal to establish a geriatric home health program, as well as targeting those with chronic conditions - coordinating with the Ministry of Health, Health Cluster and grassroots organizations to identify the most vulnerable patients. 

Aligning with the World Health Organization’s Lebanon Emergency Response Plan Strategic, MedGlobal, with our support, set out to ensure that Beirut’s health facilities were equipped with the resources necessary to provide free, comprehensive health services to their patients. 

All medications, supplies and equipment were locally procured through a transparent and standardized process between the MedGlobal team and local partners.

Delivering care.

As part of MedGlobal's geriatric program, the home health service reached 150 vulnerable geriatric patients per month, resulting in 600 patients seen over the course of four months. Meanwhile, the donated medications, equipment and supplies have so far directly benefitted more than 10,000 patients.